About Me

Dan at UC Berkeley

Dan Davies

I received my Masters and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Additionally, I received my B.S. from the University of California, Davis.  I worked with top neuroscience and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) experts and my research involved the neuropsychological assessment of ADHD.

I am a licensed educational psychologist working in private practice for 10 years.  I am also a credentialed school psychologist and I also practice in the public school system.

With my extensive training and experience in clinical and school settings, I have worked with students of all ages, as well as families and adults.  I have tested hundreds of students for a wide spectrum of struggles.  I have also counseled students and families to help overcome many barriers to academic success.

As the parents of three children, my wife and I are constantly adapting to the challenges of parenting children with very different personalities through the ups and downs of school and life.

Click here to view my dissertation:

Neuropsychological assessment of ADHD: Improvements on existing techniques through the application of theories of prefrontal cortex functioning.